Wednesday, June 11, 2008

communiqué #4

Humour me. Hit that little green button at the foot of the page. I don't know what it does yet ; but every time it gets punched I feel a little better.


Anonymous said...

Did it.
"Turnabout is fair play" they say!

ib said...

Thanks, Matt. I'm just back from your place. How does that Technorati thing work, anyway ? Damn complicated and always slow to load here. Do you have to sign in to do it ?

ib said...

Well I finally managed to work it out, and I've added some favourites... Damn thing keeps giving me a "borked now" message - "The Technorati Monster Has Escaped Again". And again. And again.

Not particularly amusing.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got it worked out. It is kind of a hinky site. I can't tell what I'll use it for, precisely. Since I see there little tag all over the interwebs, I almost felt compelled to sign up. Your little green button was the deal-tipper!