no fucking comment.
Now, I don't wish to sound menopausal here, but I can't help but noticing once again that the ratio of hits/downloads to comments doesn't quite equate. Surely everyone dropping in cannot be so tongue-tied as to purse their lips in distaste at the mere prospect of communication ? Or are you just being rude ?
Listen up, brothers and sisters. If you like what you find here, loosen your lips and sink some ships. I'm not asking for your hand in marriage.
challenge us. I've noticed that some songs set me off on a typing kick while others provoke no response.
No, That's not the issue, jon... You are a regular commenter and your thoughts are always appreciated. This 'dispatch' is aimed squarely at those visitors - and they are many; just look at the feedjit widget - who I can clearly see are grabbing as much as they can without so much as a single response.
The issue is endemic in the blogging community. I am not soliciting 'thank you's, merely discourse.
Incidentally, thanks for the comment!
Maybe you should stop posting songs for a while. Offer a little written word music criticism. Let those of us who comment comment. Then bring back the posts. Fewer hits but better hits?
Maybe we should have to pass some kind of internet test for coolness and reciprocity? I don't know how it could be arranged, but you would have to be a real music person, someone who can share his/her appreciation, and then, if you are cool and not a lame, you will be allowed at the good stuff. OK then, here we are, all three cool guys. Actually, it's been my experience that if some of us are willing to do some work, make something available to share, others are willing to leach off of us. I would still rather be one of the grateful givers than one of the lame receivers. OK, here I go off into hippie love land. Dammit I keep forgetting to be mercenary and evil minded. I'll have to watch more fucking television
yo ib, sorry i haven't been more responsive. i come by for a weekly spin around 5:45 EST, now that you've got the players!
as for comments. I think about it like this: you don't want to have youtube comments (as in, inane) so be careful what you wish for!
hey, brendan, you are 100% right regards inane comments - those who do comment here, frequently or just regularly, have always something insightful to say, and for that I am grateful...
Just discovered your site (I've been getting hits from your blog, though I don't know how or why). I'm enjoying it very much.
I know that lack of comments can be very disheartening. I feel a bit unappreciated myself at the moment. Doesn't do much for the motivation. But then I remember that I'm not the most fanatic comment-writer myself. I appreciate the generosity of bloggers, but sometimes just don't know whether I have anything to say...
As a journalist I'm also very aware that people rarely write to praise or thank; they usually write to complain.
Still, I welcome your fantastically illustrated strop; after all, we blog in the hope for a reaction, the occasional "thanks and well done", some interaction.
hey, any major dude - thanks for the comment! Your site was listed in my sidecar links until recently ; i may have accidentally deleted the url when editing the list. I'll reinstate it.
I was having a bit of a rant there, admittedly, but equally I saw the "Les Dawson" lookalike pic and thought, why not ?
Thanks for the props. Cheers.
Glad, too, you're geting hits from here to you.
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