The escalating crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to worsen by the minute.
"UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has meanwhile warned that the conflict could engulf the wider region."
No doubt capitalizing on the recent media saturation allocated the US presidential election, Laurent Nkunda's rebel forces have initiated further offensives in a bid to undermine the Angolan backed regime in Goma. The end result is hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees with no safe haven in that region, and the very real prospect of renewed genocide as Rwanda fails to heed diplomatic calls to curtail its support for Nkunda's paramilitary thugs.
In humanitarian terms the prognosis is dire.
In economic terms, European Union member states risk unsustainable financial burden on recession fatigued resources as a new wave of beleaguered refugees understandably battle for asylum. And survival.
I'd rathee the recession went on for years than to turn away refugees from this terrible conflict.
The effects of this recession will go on for years regardless. I'm not in any way endorsing that EU countries close their doors on individuals displaced by war and natural disaster.
But I am trying to underline the reality that there definitely exists a continuing trend to ignore, or avoid intervening in clearly escalating emergencies. The human costs in terms of suffering are astronomical but not unavoidable. Rwanda was avoidable, but those who could have engaged in its prevention simply stood by and did nothing.
Undoubtably too, there are financial penalties involved in "fiddling while Rome burns". The cost of rebuilding, for one. And be assured, when entire countries face huge financial deficits - as a result of unstymied greed and the lining of pockets - people tend to behave a good deal less charitably than they one might normally expect.
Hey Ib, have you read the fairly recent book Blood River by Tim Butcher? Gives an excellent insight into the ongoing problems in the Congo ever since the Portugese landed back in the days, and it´s a good read too, as the writer is trying to follow Stanley´s footsteps.
I haven't read any book on the Congo since "Heart of Darkness", and that so long ago I scarcely remember much of it.
Thanks for the tip, ramone666; I have been meaning to visit my local public library for some time now, and if they don't have it on the shelves I may just put in a request.
hey ib, thanx for the info on kiss, i didn´t know that stuff. i like to assume things, but it´s good there are people out there who have actual knowledge.
I'm wondering if it might have been four solo LPs in addition to the sleeves, chevy; that seems possible given that "Beth" was a big hit too.
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