from a photograph by don snyder: ultraviolet / black light paintings, us co. church audiovisual temple, garnerville, new york.
The latest issue of (now) NYC based Relix magazine - originaly launched in 1974 as the definitive periodical for Grateful Dead and associated "exploratory music" from the San Francisco Bay Area - hits the newsstands this coming April with ruthlessly sustained coverage of the thriving New Psychedelic underground.
Sibling, Richard B. Simon - Scorp10n Bowl agitator and contributing Relix editor - seals the deal with a sparkling assembly of hallucinatory overload available online; a marathon two and a half hour playlist encompassing the fractured trip of Wooden Shjips to the full-on fractal chaos of Acid Mother's Temple.
A comprehensive exploration of space and time involving 24 disparate identities; cooperatives; and purposely obtuse finks. My brotherhood.
Lend your ear here.
"Where you come from is gone.
Where you thought you were going to ?
Weren't never there."
▼ BIG STICK: DRAG RACING from "Drag Racing b/w Hell On Earth" 45 (Recess) 1986 (US)